Physiotherapy treatment after burns
Physiotherapy can assist with recovery after burns
Burns, especially scald and flame burns, can result in permanent scarring, disfigurement and disability. Serious burn injuries often result in long and repeated periods of hospitalisation, multiple skin graft operations and on-going psychological trauma to the child and their parents.
The majority of burn injuries in young children are caused by scalds from hot drinks, food, steam or hot water in bathrooms.
Children under four years are most at risk due to their increased mobility and natural curiosity, but many young children are fascinated by flames and fire and do not realise the possible dangers.
If a child is on fire, STOP, DROP, COVER and ROLL.
For all burns and scalds, remove clothing that is not stuck to the burn and cool the burn under cold running water for 20 minutes. This is useful for up to three hours after the burn. Do not use ice. Cover the burn with a clean dressing or plastic film.
From Kids Health Info Fact Sheet “Burns and scalds”
Children who have had a significant burn usually start having physiotherapy (often called physio) early in their treatment. The main reasons for having physio are to:
Keep the joints moving (joints include elbows, knees, etc).
Reduce or prevent the joint tightening up (called a 'joint contracture').
Keep the muscles working for normal movement.
Prevent or reduce scars.
From RCH Kids Health Info Fact Sheet “Burns and Physiotherapy”
Did you know many young children are scalded by pulling hot cups of tea/ coffee onto themselves?