Paediatric (for kids) Physiotherapy.
Help your child learn to move better!
Kids Physio, by Sue Diggins, is a mobile private physiotherapy service for kids (babies, toddlers, children, teenagers and young adults) in the south eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria.
Home Visits:
As a mobile physio, we come to you! Whether it be a visit at home, childcare, kinder, school or in the community, we make it convenient for you. We can assess your child in a familiar setting where your child is more likely to behave naturally. Treatment can then be tailored to your situation which makes it easier to practice physiotherapy activities at home.
Experienced Physiotherapist:
over 25 years working with children
Royal Children's Hospital 7 years, Early Intervention, Community Health, Schools, Disability Organisations, Private Practice.
Lived disability experience
Assessment, Treatment, Goals, Orthotics, Equipment/ Assistive Technology, Sport and Recreation.
No referral required.
1 hour (negotiable). Handout for home.
Invoice, payment within 7 days.
Medicare Plans
NDIS Registered for Therapeutic Supports
Private Health Insurance (Extras) rebates
Fee For Service- schools, self funded.
Children's Physio:
Gross Motor Milestones- crawl, sit, stand, walk.
Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation.
Move Better- strength, flexibility, balance, co-ordination
Walk, Run, Throw, Catch, Jump
Sport Skills Training, Recreation, .
School Participation, Community Access
Aquatic Physiotherapy/ Hydrotherapy.
and many more. Click here for more details
Ask Sue how she can help your child be more active and participate in their community to a greater extent.

Physios with experience in working with children (paediatric) can help your child or toddler to move better and achieve new skills. Children are not young adults- their bodies and experiences are very different, so they benefit from an individualised approach from a Physio with experience in the pediatric area.
Babies and toddlers can have issues with head shape, tight neck muscles, hips, feet or generally delayed development. Babies can feel stiff or floppy, be slow to sit, crawl, stand or walk. Physio can help.
If your baby has a diagnosed disability or developmental delay that affects their movement, Paediatric Physiotherapy can help.
Contact Sue for more information.

Adolescents commonly struggle with flexibility, injuries, posture and sporting skills. Technology is creating new issues for teenagers. Physio can help.
Physiotherapy is beneficial after injuries, accidents, surgery or periods in hospital.
Young people with disabilities often benefit from Physio to assist with physical activities, skill acquisition, periods of physical growth and advice about equipment and modified activities. Kids-Physio consults with school staff and community organisations to facilitate the participation of your young person.

Many young adults with disabilities will have access to funding for therapy under NDIS. Physios who work with children have knowledge and experience with developmental disabilities and are well placed to provide services to young adults. Chat to Sue at Kids-Physio about a report for NDIS or to discuss your therapy needs.
Sue at Kids-Physio will listen to your concerns, perform an assessment, provide treatment and give
ideas of activities to practice at home to help achieve your child’s goals.
For more information- see Physiotherapy